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Many people believe that once you abuse a substance, there is no way out and you are doomed to suffer and eventually die, falling down deeper and deeper into your addiction. However, this, as well as many other commonly claimed myths about drug abuse and drug addiction, is not true. The following lines will try to shed a bit of light onto the matter, separating facts from fiction.

Myths and Facts about Drug Abuse

First of all, many people, even experts use terms “addiction” and “abuse” interchangeably, as if the two meant the same. Yet, while drug abuse is the process of taking a drug voluntarily, knowing that it will cause you and your family problems in the long run, drug addiction is a psychological and physical dependence on a specific substance. Thus, addicted people were all abusers initially, increasing the dose in order to achieve the first effect the drug had on their organism.

Secondly, people commonly claim that an addiction is nothing more than a case of weak moral, over-indulgence and a bad habit. Of course, this is not true. Use of certain substances can alter the normal chemical reactions and connections in our brain, changing us and the way we function. Thus, a lot of science and biochemistry get involved, since many substances are heavily addictive and attack the brain directly. Moral has nothing to do with getting addicted since even people who try drugs for fun may easily become addicts.

The same way, contrary to popular belief, your own strong will and positive attitude are not enough for you to get out of an addiction. Rather, you need structural treatment and rehabilitation. Also, all people can and do get addicted, regardless of their age, status or the part of the world they live in. So, drug addictions are not just common for low-income families, as many claim.

Back to rehabilitation, many people say that you cannot escape an addiction unless you want to. On the other hand, reality begs to differ since numerous people who did not want to go to rehabilitation managed to stay clean again. Support from the family and adequate treatment are crucial.

More Myths – More Facts

Keep in mind that not all treatments work for everybody. Still, this does not make these ineffective. Therefore, if an individual fails to end the addiction through one treatment, he/she should try a different approach. Nevertheless, commitment is very important in this stage.

There are many different treatments designed for many different kinds of addictions. Also, it is very important not to allow former addicts to return to their previous social groups, areas of living etc. Starting clean is the best possible way, since then one will have the greatest chances of success. Even if a person relapses after a treatment, there is still hope. These people need a job and other aspects of life which will boost their self-esteem and allow them to say no to their former addictions once and for all.

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