One of the Hardest Battles One CanFight
Alcohol and drug addictions often ruin the best in people. Most people addicted to these substances fail in the quitting and end up with some terminal diseases destroying their organisms and leading to their deaths. However, many who get admitted to rehabilitation centers do stand a chance. These facilities have several different functions and goals. Initially, these are to clean the patient's body from the harmful toxins he or she has been exposed to. Therefore, as soon as one walks in the rehabilitation center, he or she is absolutely forbidden to get in contact with the drug or alcoholic beverage in question. Once the detoxification is complete, the treatment starts. The patient needs to endure all the withdrawal symptoms. During this fight, he or she needs to remain strong-willed, positive and to desire a life without alcohol and drugs. Even though many people manage to endure this complete process and get released from these rehabilitation facilities as healthy people, it is then when the real fight takes place. Namely, a large majority of people who undergo rehabilitation processes return to their addictions as soon as they leave the building. This is why the greatest step needs to be taken by the patient him/herself. Also, this is why psychotherapy is a crucial part of the recovery process as well.
What Makes One an Addict?
One of the main factors is considered to be genetics. People who had a history of drug or alcohol abuse in their families are more likely to become addicts themselves too. However, this does not exclude people who did not have these sorts of addictions in present in their family; it only makes their percentagesmaller.
Another great factor is the influence of the environment. People who live near those who indulge into alcohol and drugs easily become parts of these groups themselves. The attitude of these social groups influences the mind of those who are parts of it. Therefore, an addict's mind is shaped by the group of addicts he or she belongs to. Thus, people who return to such environments after enduring rehabilitation are likely to get in contact with drugs and alcohol again.
What Can Be Done to Stop This?
In order to remain strong even when out of the rehabilitation facility, you need to stay away from drugs and alcohol completely. If you experience any problems or need any kind of additional guidance, you can visit your facility once again and seek help. Also, you may look into numerous different programs dealing with the exact situation you might be in.
Another important thing is staying in contact with people who are enduring the same thing you are. Therefore, becoming a member if a AA or NA group and visiting their daily meetings, opening yourself to people, can be incrediblyhelpful.
Finally, taking up yoga or meditation, or finding refuge and strength in music or acupuncture treatments, as well as many other different methods, can help you greatly. These will strengthen you both physically and mentally.
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