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Stunningly, in the US, most women under the age of 50 who seek medical assistance do this due to the fact that they have been physically abused by their partners. However, the situation does not change drastically when we talk about women older than 50 since domestic abuse is quite a common scenario here as well. Basically, domestic violence can be classified into several different groups.

Types of Domestic Violence

Apparently mild domestic abuse is the first type of this outrageous offense, manifesting through slapping or pushing. On the other hand, severe domestic abuse is the one which results in beating, serious injuries and even homicide, happening repeatedly. Commonly, mild cases of domestic abuse evolve into more serious ones in time. Therefore, prevention is crucial as soon as domestic violence takes place, regardless of its form and intensity. The problem, once present, is likely to stay unless outside factors get involved and protect the suffering partner. Most commonly, divorce, separation or legal intervention are possible ways out of this vicious circle of abuse.

In most cases, domestic violence is directed from the male member of the family to the female. Nevertheless, numerous combinations may be possible and the situation may be the other way around, with a women abusing her spouse or partner, or both members of the relationship abusing each other. Either way, men are physically stronger and usually get the upper hand when in comes to domestic abuse, hurting their supposedly loved ones severely.

Every case of domestic violence evolves into numerous symptoms. People who are possessive, emotionally abusive or aggressive are more likely to become physically abusive too.

Cycles of Domestic Abuse

Many occurrences of domestic abuse consist of certain cycles. Basically, it all starts with tension, evolving into arguments which escalate in loudness, intensity and potential danger. Next, violence takes place, commonly getting worse with every appearance. Finally, once the storm is over, the couple is reunited in a stage called the “honeymoon”, when they apologize and promise each other that they will never fight again. They break love oaths with every new fight.

Facts about Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse should not be taken lightly. Rather, it should be understood as something that can lead to death and serious injury. Counseling may not be helpful with this kind of domestic problem since the abusers rarely understand the wrongfulness of their conduct. Open communication necessity during therapy may lead to more violence at home since one member of the relationship is dominant and does not take responsibility for his/her actions.

Moreover, the abusers may be suffering from a mental condition such as intermittent explosive disorder, antisocial personality or narcissism. Drug abuse or excessive alcohol consumption can only make matters worse. This is why there are many different approaches when it comes to treatment for domestic abuse.

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