Information on Rook Piercing
Rook piercing is a fresh addition to the ever expanding world of piercing. It is also relatively new when it comes to numerous different choices concerned with the ear piercing.
Before getting the rook pierced, a person must be well informed about the actual procedure and the aftercare that is involved once the piercing is done. Of all types of body piercing, the ear piercing is the most common one and it has the longest tradition. It usually involved the piercing of the ear lobe and it was done almost exclusively by women.
Today, there are so much more choices and they include tragus, daith, helix and rook piercing, among others. It also become more common for men to get their ears pierced as well.
Rook piercing is one of the most difficult types of ear piercing. This type of piercing involves the cartilage of the upper area of the ear which is located right above the ear canal. This area of the ear is medically referred to as the antihelix.
The actual process of piercing may be rather painful because it involves plenty of cartilage tissue. Most people opt for this piercing mainly because it is very stylish and unique.
Procedure and Aftercare
As it is said before, this type of piercing is a difficult one because it involves a thick cartilage tissue. It can be rather painful because the needle needs to pass through that thick tissue.
It is always a good idea to pick a renowned and trustworthy piercing studio and the piercer. One must always make sure that the needles that are going to be used for the procedure are new and soaked in the special solution that prevents and kills bacteria. The piercer must wear gloves during the procedure.
The ear needs to be cleaned before the piercing. It gets marked and clamped before it gets pierced and receives the piercing jewelry. The jewelry gets into place after the needle gets removed with the help of scissors.
It is very important to place and determine the width of the piercing spot because it may cause trouble. It is always recommended to use titanium jewelry. It should not be removed or changed until it heals fully and properly.
The painful sensation may last for a few days and the piercing may become infected as well. It must be cleaned and soaked in saline solution every day. Sometimes it may get swollen as well.
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