Nasal Snoring
Although, people who snore usually do it while breathing through their mouth while sleeping, this is not always the case. Rather, even people who breathe through their nose during their sleep tend to snore now and then. This may be due to numerous different factors. The most common cause of nasal snoring while sleeping is nothing more than an obstruction inside the nose, preventing the air from flowing freely in and out of our body.
What Produces Snoring?
Snoring often takes place when one sleeps with his or her mouth open. This triggers the production of that specific sound somewhere in our throat area. Therefore, most of the times, simply making sure your mouth is not open during your sleeping time surely prevents the snoring from ever commencing. If you experience problems with keeping your mouth closed during night time, you may use numerous aids which will enable you that. You may use a tape of sorts, or buy a special chin strap or a jaw supporter made for such purposes.
Interestingly, sometimes, our tongue is the main reason behind our snoring. In order to rule that out, we should try to mimic the snoring sound we tend to produce while keeping our tongue tight with our teeth, disabling its movements. If the snoring cannot be reproduced, the tongue is clearly the reason for it. Then, measures need to be taken in order to fix this. There are numerous techniques and exercises made for these reasons. There also exists a device which holds one's jaw forward, making it impossible for tongue to move back, causing snoring.
Additionally, if some nasal blockages prevent you from breathing correctly thus causing snoring you may need to take some things into consideration. Namely, you may be allergic to something present in your room. It may be the dust, or the material your pillow is made of, as well as many other things. Try cleaning your sleeping quarters and changing the covers on your bed and pillow since some of these may be helpful.
Additional Causes and Solutions
Sometimes, we breathe in and out more than we should, thus causing imbalance between the levels of both oxygen and carbon dioxide. This results in our body's striving to balance the situation again, thus producing excrement in our airways, narrowing them to limit the intake of air. People who have these reasons behind snoring, should practice breathing carefully, paying attention to the amounts of air they take.
Finally, some of us may experience the symptom of collapsing nostrils. Namely, if we intake air quickly, a special valve in our nose will lower the air pressure inside. Then, if the pressure becomes too low, the nostrils will be closed, obstructing the airways causing snoring. Nasal dilators or nasal sprays may both prevent this from happening and thus stop the snoring.
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