Skin Care or Skin Abuse?
Sometimes, many of us, even though wedesire the best for our skin, tend to expose it to harmful substancesor skin care methods, which do little to help our skin, but do much to harm it. Thus, read on about the common mistakes in skin care andmake sure you are not making any of these now, nor ever.
Skin Care Crimes
The first issue and a greatmisconception regarding taking care of your skin is a common beliefthat water is sufficient for skin hydration. This is simply not truedue to the fact that water contains a large amount of salt making ourskin dry even though we expect it to do the opposite. Thus, you needto combine face washes with hydrating thermal sprays. These productscontain thermal water which is incredibly rich in minerals, makingour skin healthier, stronger and more beautiful. Also, thermal watercan protect our skin from any harmful third party factors such aspollution, dirt etc.
The second common misconception is thatwe all have the same skin. Perhaps, people do not think so about eachindividual's skin. Nevertheless, there are still daughters who shareskin products with their mothers and cases similar to this one. This,however, is a bad thing. Namely, we all have different skin types andshould base our choice of cosmetics upon this fact. Thus, your mothermight have a sensitive skin, witnessing rashes and other thingsoften, and may have chosen that specific skin product because of thisfact. Then, if you happen to have oily skin, you will likely fail tobenefit from the same cosmetic products. Alternatively, there arealso people with dry skin, who need a proper treatment for their skintype too.
Thirdly, even though many people knowthat vitamin K is beneficial for our skin, most of them do not knowhow to use it for these purposes. Subsequently, they either applythis substance, in its oily form, on their faces, causing moreproblems than they could imagine, or take too much of this vitaminthrough capsules or ampoules. Either way, if you want to benefit, youneed to take the right amounts, which are not more that 5% of vitaminK in the ampoule, and take it orally instead of topically.
Fourthly, just because some essentialoils are oils, this does not necessarily mean that these are notmeant to be used on an oily skin. On the other hand, people shouldonly avoid essential oils with minerals, in these cases. All othercan be beneficial for their skin type.
Finally, do not think that natural isbetter that synthetic, when it comes to abrasive features of someproducts. For example, using salt from these purposes can lead toskin damage, while synthetic materials are made for preserving yourskin and making it healthier.
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