Information on Clarified Butter
Clarified butter is a product which is composed almostcompletely of fat utilizing a process which separates the water and milk solidsfrom the butter fat. The butter needs to be heated so that the components canbe separated by density. The heat makes the water evaporate and the solids sinkto the bottom. Some solids also float to the surface during the heating, andlater on they get skimmed off while their counterparts at the bottom get left behindas the clarified butter gets poured off. There is another form of clarifiedbutter called ghee, and it has been used for numerous centuries. One can makeclarified butter at home very easily.
Clarified Butter Nutrition Facts
Clarified butter is often used for numerous different typesof cooking applications because of its wonderful flavor and because of the factthat it has a fairly high smoking point. A tablespoon of clarified buttercontains 130 calories, 10 percent of vitamin A, 9 grams or 45 percent ofsaturated fats, 40 milligrams or 13 percent of cholesterol and 14 grams or 22percent of total fat. It does not contain any sodium, iron, carbohydrates,calcium, sugar, proteins or dietary fiber. All the calories contained in theclarified butter are from the fat content only. The butter does not get burnedduring frying and it is considered very healthy because it does not contain anyhydrogenated oils. One should avoid consuming clarified butter in highquantities because it contains extremely large amounts of calories andsaturated fats. One tablespoon of clarified butter is supposed to be analternative for 4 tablespoons of any other cooking oil or butter.
Clarified Butter Nutritional Value
Clarified butter is commonly used for numerous purposes butit may also come in very handy for certain medicinal uses. It is supposedlyvery efficient in enhancing the health of the skin, promoting the overallhealth of the eyes, preventing constipation and treating different types ofulcers. It is also very beneficial in increasing the memory, promoting learning,treating blisters and burns and preventing the occurrence of various sorts ofcancer. It is known for its potent antibiotic, antiviral and antioxidantproperties so it may be of great help in fighting off the free radicals andreducing the amount and severity of damage they cause inside the body. It canalso be very helpful for all those who suffer from medical conditions related tothe digestive system.
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