Information on Wheat Bread
Wheat bread is a very healthy alternative to the more commonwhite bread. Most grocery stores sell a number of brands of wheat breadswhich usually come in very attractive packaging. It is a healthier alternativeto the white bread but unfortunately its shelf life is much shorter and it ismuch more expensive as well.
Wheat bread requires more flour than the whitebread to fill up as much volume so that is the main reason why is it moreexpensive. Wheat bread provides the human body with numerous health benefitsbecause it contains various essential nutrients. Bread is one of the mostimportant food elements and it is consumed during breakfast, lunch, snacks anddinner. It is a vital part of a modern, fast lifestyle and when it is made fromwheat flour it is perhaps the healthiest option possible.
Wheat berries containdifferent parts and those are the endosperm, the germ and the bran. White flourcontains only the endosperm, while wheat flour requires all three differentparts in the production process. Wheat flour is rich in dietary fiber and it isvery good for digestion and satiety. It is also very efficient in reducing therisk of certain serious medical conditions such as stroke and heart attack.
Wheat Bread Nutrition Facts
Each slice of wheat bread contains somewhere around 60calories, out of which there are 10 calories from the fat content. The sameslice of wheat bread also contains 100 milligrams or 4 percent of sodium, 4percent of folic acid, 1 gram or 4 percent of dietary fiber, 4 percent ofvitamin B3, 2 grams of sugar, 4 percent of vitamin B2, 2.5 grams or 5 percentof protein, 6 percent of vitamin B1, 12 grams or 4 percent of totalcarbohydrates, 4 percent of iron and 2 percent of calcium. It does not containany cholesterol in saturated fats.
Different bread recipes may bring changes tothe nutritional facts and the amount of calories. One should always opt for atype of wheat bread which contains whole wheat or whole grain. Some types ofwheat bread are actually made from both whole wheat flour and the ordinarywhite flour. There are certain labels such as multigrain, wheat flour, enrichedflour and organic and they may be a bit distracting.
It is a good idea to avoidthe ordinary white bread and always stick with the healthiest option and thatis the whole grain wheat bread.
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