Information on Canola Oil
Canola oil gets extracted from the canola plant. Canolaplant is a cultivar which gets developed from another type of plant, therapeseed plant. Rapeseed plant comes from the mustard family and the canola wasdeveloped by crossbreeding the plant of rapeseed. The main reason for the crossbreeding is the production of edible oil from the canola seeds.
Oil can also beextracted from rapeseed plain but because it contains a chemical substancecalled erucic acid it may be too toxic for human consumption. Rapeseed oil hasbeen used in certain parts of the world such as Japan, India and China butfortunately enough it is now declared unfit for human consumption.
Canola plantis the result of the process of cross breeding of the rapeseed plant. Oilextracted from the genetically engineered specimens of rapeseed plant does notcontain large amounts of erucic acid so it can be declared safe for humanconsumption. Oil extracted from the canola plant also contains low levels oferucic acid and is also suitable for human consumption.
Canola oil is aremarkable source of certain types of essential nutrients which are vital foroverall health of the human body.
Canola Oil Nutrition Facts
Canola oil is very rich in certain types of fatty acidswhich are beneficial for the overall health of the cardiovascular system andthe heart. A serving of 218 grams of canola oil contains 0.9 grams of transfats, 16 grams of saturated fats, 137.9 grams of monounsaturated fats and 61.2grams of polyunsaturated fats.
The same aforementioned serving containsapproximately 1927 calories. Canola oil is also an excellent source of omega-6fatty acids and omega-3 essential fatty acids. All the health benefits that arecommonly associated with canola oil are present because it contains the fattyacids. They can come in very handy when it comes to decreasing the levels ofbad cholesterol in the blood and increasing the levels of good cholesterol inthe blood.
The canola oil is also very efficient in promoting the overallhealth of the brain and improving the functioning of the immune system. Itcontains small quantities of different types of saturated fats and thosequantities are much lower than all other types of cooking oils.
Dangers of Canola Oil
Canola oil is sometimes considered dangerous because it isderived from the rapeseed plant which contains the harmful substance callederucic acid. The process of manufacture of canola oil utilizes certain types ofsolvents such as hexane.
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