Information on Calcium
Calcium is one of the most important minerals and it is required by the human body for the normal formation, development and growth of the bones and the teeth. As the body gradually grows older, its ability to absorb calcium also gets gradually decreased, which usually leads to certain medical problems. Calcium is also very important for the overall health and functioning of the enzymes, nerves, muscles and other parts and organs. Different age groups have different daily requirements for calcium. A healthy adult person requires somewhere around 1000 milligrams of calcium per day, while lactating women and senior persons over 65 years of age usually require as much as 1500 milligrams of calcium per day. It is unfortunately pretty common for people from Western countries to not ingest as much calcium as their body needs, so they often rely on taking calcium in its supplemental form. Calcium supplements may be reliable in providing the additional amounts of calcium for those who do not ingest it sufficiently through the ordinary diet, but they still may be associated with certain side effects as well. The most common side effect of all calcium supplements is constipation. When a person does not ingest sufficient amounts of calcium, he or she may end up suffering from various different types of medical conditions. The medical condition most commonly associated with calcium deficiency is osteoporosis, characterized by weak, brittle bones. One may increase the amount of calcium ingested on a regular daily basis by incorporating dairy products and vegetables such as legumes, Chinese cabbage and broccoli into the daily diet. One may also try out incorporating plenty of food items fortified with calcium into his or her ordinary, everyday diet. Calcium in its supplemental form should always be the last option when it comes to ingesting this essential mineral. Organic and inorganic salts such as calcium gluconate, calcium lactate gluconate, calcium lactate, calcium citrate, calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate are commercially used for the production of food and dietary supplements.
Calcium Citrate
Calcium citrate or tricalcium citrate is one of the best sources of calcium used for the fortification of various food items. This substance has a very low pH, its taste and flavor are neutral, it is soluble rather easily, it contains abundant amounts of calcium and it is available easily as well. It usually comes in the form of powder but it can also be purchased in the form of micronized granules. Its main feature is the fact that its absorption rate is much higher than that of other forms of calcium supplements.
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