Which foods have high levels of calcium?
The foods that are best known for their high levels of calcium are dairy products, more specifically milk, yoghurt and cheese. Aside from them, foods that are bountiful in their calcium content are salmon, tofu and collard greens. Calcium can be found in foods where its quantity was intentionally increased as well, such as orange juice, bread and cereals.
Should the kids’ calcium levels be less than satisfactory, it is a good idea to try to find additional recipes that include some of these products that are rich in calcium, for example cooking chicken in milk or something else to that effect. However, if their calcium levels keep deteriorating, there are ways to obtain calcium that are not through food.
When should children consume calcium supplements?
Sometimes, it happens that even though parents feel that their children eat a lot of foods that are rich in calcium, or if the case is that they actually do not take in enough calcium, their bodies are simply telling them that they aren’t obtaining a sufficient amount of it. That’s when it’s time to give their calcium levels a little boost by providing them with additional calcium in the form of supplements.
The range of calcium supplements is very wide indeed. They can be found in many forms and kinds, from calcium carbonate, to calcium gluconate, to liquid calcium. However, what really is in no way recommended if the child is suffering from the lack of calcium in the body is to try to kill two birds with one stone, which is to say get them the supplements that will cover more than one kind of nutritious element.
For example, getting them tablets which are meant to provide them with both vitamin C and calcium will do nothing for their calcium deficiency problem as the amounts of these substances that are actually included in the pill are so low that they can in no way cover the daily requirements of children for such elements. The only way for the supplements to really help them is to make sure to find the right kind that has that specific purpose only.
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