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Magnesium and calcium are among the most important essentialminerals and they are always synchronized in order to make numerous functionsin the human body possible. One must always have a balanced amount of calciumand magnesium, because deficiency or even excess of either mineral can beassociated with severe medical conditions. They are of utmost importance whenit comes to proper development, strength, growth and health of the muscles andbones. They need to be incorporated into the daily diet.

Importance of Calcium and Magnesium

Calcium is the most important factor when it comes to thedevelopment of the teeth and bones. It is also very efficient in regulating theheart rate and maintaining a healthy blood count. Calcium is also an importantfactor when it comes to regulating the transition of nutrients through thecellular membranes, maintaining proper metabolic activities, promoting theclotting of blood, regulating the body temperature, reducing the levels of badcholesterol in the blood and preventing colon cancer. Magnesium is actually abalancing nutrient as it naturally aids the process of calcium absorption inthe human body. It is the key factor in more than 300 different types ofenzymatic systems in the human body and it plays a vital role when it comes tothe production of energy. Without magnesium the metabolism of vitamins andseveral other important processes in the human body would not be possible. Whena person suffers from a lack of these two essential minerals, he or she mayexperience symptoms such as weakening of the bones, osteoporosis, weakening ofthe muscles, kidney stones, various menstrual problems, rickets and numerousother sorts of medical conditions.

Calcium and Magnesium Supplement

Those who cannot consume enough magnesium and calcium bymeans of a regular diet need to use calcium and magnesium supplements. Thoseare usually people who suffer from hypertension or lactose intolerance. Thesupplements are combined in a ratio of 2:1, in favor of calcium. Thesupplements also contain other important nutrients such as phytovitamins, zinc,kelp, copper, dulse, vitamin C, alfalfa, vitamin D and boron. Dailyrequirements of calcium are around 1000 milligrams. A person needs to ingest upto 266 milligrams of magnesium each day, on a regular basis. The supplementscommonly include calcium malate, calcium citrate and calcium aspartate whichare usually obtained from various natural sources. These supplements usuallycome in the form of liquids or tablets. One should always consult a doctorbefore taking them.

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