This variety of acid goes under various other names as well, such as acidum boricum, boraic acid and orthoboric acid. It is employed as a constituent in such products that are essentially antiseptic and insecticidal in nature. The form in which it can be acquired varies from colorless crystals to the powder white in color. The general characteristics of both of these forms make them water-soluble.
Eye troubles
Our eyes, sensitive as they are, can quite easily become affected by various eye irritations such as redness, dryness, burning or watering eyes, as well as by itching, which can be effectively remedied by means of eyewash based on boric acid. But prior to opting for this solution, one should be warned against the possible implications and harmful effects of boric acid in case it is employed improperly. Namely, given that our eyes are delicate and extremely sensitive, just about any medicine and solution which is directly applied to them, or in them, should only be applied after the person has previously consulted his/her ophthalmologist and was given an official consent. It cannot be emphasized enough that this solution should not, under any circumstances, be used without the proper supervision.
Novelty eye remedy
When it comes to boric acid, it is a well-known fact that it abounds in both anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and as such, it represents a component of those solutions used specifically for the purposes of eye care with the aim to cleanse, that is to say irrigate the eyes. In addition, it is regarded as quite essential when it comes to clearing off all the pollutants that tend to accumulate in the eyes like dust, as well as various other chemicals, thus creating a rather pleasant relief from eye irritation. One such fairly serious eye illness, which is best treated by employing boric acid for the purpose of providing eye relief, is conjunctivitis (known as the pink eye), which occurs as a direct consequence of the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.
Extremely important to point out to is the fact that those people who are allergic to boric acid should not use it under any circumstances. Also, one should always have in mind the following – given that boric acid is meant as an eye solution, it is not to be used for any other part of the body. It should especially be kept as far away as possible from the person’s mouth, ears and the nose.
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