Adding proper supplementation regime to training and proper nutrition will help the muscle growth and recovery.
Proteins are the basis of bodybuilder's diet and also need to be the center of his/her supplementation plan. It is often difficult to bring all the necessary proteins from the solid food sources. Required protein intake (2-3 grams per kilogram of body's daily weight) may be significantly facilitated by taking protein powder. It is the most concentrated available source of protein and it is easy to digest it. Also, high protein diet stimulates producing growth hormones,products in blood similar to insulin, and thyroid hormone.
Creatine is the energy molecule that contributes to muscle strength. It also pushes the water into the muscles, which improves their ability to grow. The best results will be achieved with moderate amounts of creatine, whey protein and easy digestible carbohydrates, such as products that contain dextrose, including white bread, wheat cereal mixed with honey and muffins with no fat. The combination of proteins with simple sugars maximizes insulin levels. Experiences have shown that insulin helps muscles to absorb creatine.
This amino acid is particularly useful when the body is under great stress. Glutamine helps the body to store glycogen - the excess carbohydrates retained in the muscles. In general, the glycogen reserves are associated with muscle growth. When they are full you are more likely to achieve positive nitrogen balance (state of muscle growth).
Also, glutamine binds to muscles, lowering the overall level of cortisol that reaches them. Cortisol is a negative stress hormone that increases as a result of hard training and can stimulate the muscles to break down, forcing body to burn protein - it is something that bodybuilders don't want. Glutamine supplementation will help in controlling this effect.
Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA)
If you stick with high protein diet you will take enough branched-chain amino acids. However, every bodybuilder should consider adding them to diet as a supplement to increase the mass, as it turned out that, and when taken before training, BCAA support levels of testosterone. In addition, one of the amino acids - leucine - is now believed that it is the main signaling factor for protein synthesis in muscles (growth). Leucine also increases insulin level independent of carbohydrates. It is believed that taking BCAA before training can raise insulin level, helping athletes to avoid the catabolic state caused by training.
Potassium and Vitamins C and E
Potassium is important for muscle contractions. It also plays a key role in storing carbohydrates as muscle glycogen and affects the metabolism of proteins. Taking potassium after a workout may also super-hydrate or volume the muscles because it helps water retention.
Vitamins C and E are powerful antioxidants. They fight free radicals, indirectly helping keeping the body in anabolic state. They also fight inflammation of tissue that comes with a hard training. It has been shown that taking vitamin C after training lowers cortisol level.
Vitamin E supplementation helps in reducing the activity of creatine kinase. Creatine kinase is the muscle damage and lowering this process help in optimizing recovery and muscle growth. Vitamin E may also help muscle to enter glucose into the bloodstream in order to maximize the reserves of glycogen. Zma
ZMA is a zinc-magnesium complex which, as has been shown, supports testosterone level. It has been known for a long time that zinc stimulates testosterone. On the other hand, magnesium increases muscle strength and promotes peaceful sleep, which increases the hormones level. Their combining can result in increased testosterone and strength which eventually helps in increasing muscle mass.
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