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Dieting today should be easy, there are calories chartseverywhere, easily available, food is generally not expensive and there isplenty of healthy and delicious food that can be used for preparing tasty, butstill very healthy meals. So, what is the problem? The problem is in the head,as usual. People who need dieting have problem with obesity and obesity didnot just show up, almost always bad eating habits are involved. Only with somemedical conditions that include changing the metabolism rate, obesity mightemerge without excessive eating (example is increased or decreased secretion ofthyroid gland hormones).

Type of foods

The easiest way to understand which foods are allowed andwhich are not is to use the food pyramid. It usually contains three levels withthe base being the widest. It contains types of food that can be eaten a lot, but that do not contain a lot of calories – those are mostly vegetables andfruits. The second level includes types of food that should be used moderately.This means that meat, eggs and low fat dairy products are present in this level– food that we need, but must not exaggerate with it. The third level is all aboutfats and food rich with it. This is the level that should be used the least. So,when preparing a healthy meal, people will have to know what is good for themand what is not. Also, it is not easy to prepare vegetables properly; peopleusually overcook it, which might destroy all those needed vitamins and enzymes.It has to be said that there are some types of vegetables people seem to avoidthinking that those might not be the best solutions when it comes to making alight and healthy meal. One of those veggies is beans.

About beans

It is very important to say that beans contain only 2 or 3percent of fat! This means that if some diet is needed, and fat should berestricted, meals with beans are an excellent choice. Also, there are but a fewvegetables that contain more fiber than beans and that help with reducing thecholesterol in the organism. Beans contain almost no fat and this means thatthey have a lot of carbs and some proteins (up to 20 percent). And we must notforget vitamin B, which beans contain in very high amounts. Even though beans are not present in many meals, because alot of fibers can cause stomach gases, it is a very healthy food and verybeneficial for our organism.

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