Information on Basmati Rice
Basmati is an aromatic type of rice that comes in two different varieties: the white one and the brown one. Rice is the basic food item in various regions around the world. Aromatic types of rice are very popular because of their fragrance. Other aromatic types of rice besides the basmati rice include taxmati rice, wehani rice and jasmine rice. Basmati rice is probably the most popular in Western countries. Its grain is long and its flavor resembles the flavor of nuts. It originates from Pakistan and India. When basmati rice gets cooked, its grains are not sticky as is the case with other types of rice.
Basmati Rice Nutrition Information
Both brown and white basmati rice are excellent sources of essential minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber, proteins and carbohydrates. They also contain small amounts of fat. 200 grams of cooked basmati rice contains around 205 calories which means that it is very efficient in boosting the energy levels. The same serving contains 44.5 grams of carbohydrates, 1.9 milligrams of iron, 0.44 grams of fat and approximately 4.2 grams of proteins. A serving of 200 grams of white basmati rice contains a gram of dietary fiber, while the same amount of brown basmati rice may contain up to 3 grams of dietary fiber. The brown variety is much more nutritional than its white counterpart because it is not that processed. Only the outer husk gets removed in the brown rice and the bran layers which surround the kernel are retained. The outer husk and the bran layers get removed in the case of white basmati rice.
Basmati Rice Nutritional Benefits
Basmati rice is very efficient in providing enormous sources of energy because it contains large amounts of proteins and carbohydrates and very low amounts of fats. It also does not contain any cholesterol or gluten. There are a large people who cannot tolerate gluten, so basmati rice is an excellent addition to their diet plans. Basmati rice is essential for the normal functioning of the heart, the nervous system and the muscles. It is very efficient in preventing beriberi, enhancing the skin, increasing the appetite, relieving the muscle pain and reducing fatigue. It is very good at aiding the process of digestion and it enhances the formation of hemoglobin. Basmati rice is efficient in reducing the levels of sugar and cholesterol in the blood and reducing the risk of anemia.
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