Babies and Stuffy Noses
A situation where a baby has a stuffy nose is quite a common one, especially with young, inexperienced parents. Just a small mistake such as leaving a wet towel on your baby after bathing him/her can be enough for this problem to take place. Luckily, there are specific methods which can help you deal with these situations without any excessive worries and troubles. If you are interested in these methods and want to help your baby with this annoying problem of having a stuffy nose, read on.
Remedies for a Baby's Stuffy Nose
One of the best possible cures for this problem can be steam exposure. Therefore, exposing your child to steam may lead to the end of your troubles. Next, is almond oil, which is possibly the best thing for this, as well as other purposes. All you have to do is put two or three drops of this miraculous remedy up your child's nostrils. Upon waiting for an hour or so, you will notice that your baby is breathing freely. Additionally, you might use almond oil externally, for providing comfort during cold, sore throat and other problem. Just rub it into the troublesome spots and witness the heat rushing throughout your skin and the rest of your or your child's body.
Saline solution is another excellent cure for this condition. All you need to do is mix some sea salt with warm water and pour it into the congested nose. This solution will free the nasal pathways once again, making it possible for your baby to breathe without constraints.
Prevention is always the best cure. Thus, make sure you take good care of your child, making sure it is warm during colder parts of the year, providing adequate clothes and blankets, not letting him/her bathe for too long and keeping the baby completely dry after the process.
Additional, alternative methods of dealing with stuffy noses of your children may involve inhalators. Also, since the problem might be caused by dry air in your dwelling, you might consider buying air humidifiers.
Finally, if all else fails, the best possible choice might be to seek medical assistance. Do not wait, since this can only make things worse. Once you realize that your child's condition is not getting better no matter which of the above methods you use, pay your doctor a visit.
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