Being pregnant might be the one the best times of your life. However, many pregnant women might suffer with bloating, pain and cramps in the legs, and also with many different infections. As the rule, doctors don’t recommend using any medications in first trimester of pregnancy, because it might cause miscarriage or harm the baby. After that, if there is a certain medical condition that has to be treated it is always recommended to use medications if the mother’s health is seriously compromised.
Congestion is one of those minor health problems that can be very persistent, especially, in pregnancy. It may be but doesn’t have to be associated with the common cold and this condition is known as pregnancy rhinitis. You can easily differentiate this problem from the common cold symptoms: common cold is always followed by throat problems, coughing and/or sneezing. If you have any of this symptoms associated with the congestion you are having common cold. If not – it’s just pregnancy rhinitis. It usually happens just right after you finished all the problems you’ve had with so-called morning sickness. Rhinitis of the pregnancy can cause problems during the day or night.
Women sensitive to allergens may experience worsening of their symptoms during pregnancy. That can also be the reason behind the congestion for these patients.
Treat Congestion in Pregnancy
Obviously, pregnant women don’t want to use medications. You might want to try some steam to relieve your symptoms. The bath in warm water will be helpful in this situation, and the steam will help you to breath more easily. If you don’t have the time for bath, just spend some time in the steamy bathroom. You can also use vaporizer with few drops of eucalyptus oil.
Pregnant women can use saline drops. Doctors usually agree that few drops of saline won’t do you no harm.
There is something else you can do. There is neti pot, technique of nasal lavage using saline solution. It is known to help people with congestion in very short time. The very pot, neti pot might look a bit strange to people but this is a natural way to relieve your nose problems. Neti pot looks like any other pot, just smaller in size. It should be filled with some warm (not hot) water and a pinch of salt. After that, tilt your head to one shoulder and back and pour the saline liquid to one nostril. The solution will go through the nasal cavities and resolve congestion.
How to Prevent Congestion
Drink plenty of fluids.
Moisturize your home with vaporizers.
Elevate your head while sleeping.
Always have some tissues handy.
If the congestion is really bad and you are more then three months pregnant ask your doctor for some nasal drops.
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