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How to enhance the size of the breasts is the question that primarily refers to women. Those who are considering this option will probably first think of the breast implants and a surgery procedure during which they are implanted. However, what the greatest majority of women is not familiar with is the fact that there are several natural ways in which the size of the breasts can also be enhanced, and none of them is as invasive as a surgery.

A new alternative

The truth is that silicone implants are slowly losing their popularity, while less invasive methods are taking their place. With the science constantly advancing, a few new methods are offered to those women who want to increase the size of their breasts. Macrolane is one of them and it is based on the stabilized hyaluronic acid, which is injected into the breast, thus allowing the wanted shape. The procedure lasts from 30 to 90 minutes and even though the feeling might not be so comfortable for the first few days after the treatment, the fact is that there are no side effects such as lumps and bumps.

The difference will definitely be more than obvious right after the treatment. It is considered to be very safe, particularly because only those doctors who are trained to use it can be supplied with Macrolane. However, it is important to know that the effect will be present for a year or even a year and a half, but not longer.

Perfect C

This is the name of the pill which is based on natural ingredients that increase the levels of estrogen and thus stimulate the growth of the new breast tissue. This means that the ingredients have estrogenic characteristics, and among them are also Mexican wild yam and fennel seed. It said that this pill is particularly effective in women who are between 23 and 35 years old, and several female celebrities confirm this as well.

As for the time which is necessary for the results to become apparent, approximately 2 months have to pass at least, when women from this group are concerned. In cases of those who are older, it might take a bit longer than 2 months. These pills are said to be side effect free, because no synthetic hormones are present in them, but still, it is important to consult a GP if a person uses some supplements or medications.

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