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Most women who go in for plastic surgery hope that once they get their operation, they won't have to have any more work done. If you are contemplating silicones after giving birth and breastfeeding because the old girls shrank in size a bit (like mine!), don't think that that will be the end of it, and you'll have great breasts forever according to the FDA, women who get breast implants are likely to need another op within a decade to fix things up again. Indeed, there is a lot that can go wrong with a boob job.

To stick to our blog's topics of everything surrounding fertility, pregnancy signs, and babies, we have to note that most women who have had breast implants can breastfeed without any trouble these days. But, silicone breast implants can rupture and leak and the Food and Drug Administration, which warns that there is a small link between boob implants and a rare form of cancer, is now revising safety labels. The FDA noted that breast implants are generally safe, but Jeff Shuren, director of the FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health, added something most plastic surgery patients really don't like to hear one little bit: "The key point is that breast implants are not lifetime devices. The longer you have the implant, the more likely you are to have complications."

What does this mean for women who have breast implants or are currently thinking about getting some? I have to say I've thought about it myself, since I shrank from a DD cup to a B cup after two children and four years of breastfeeding. But unless you're quite sure you want to keep getting checkups for your implants and are prepared to put your body and your bank account through new surgeries every ten years, a nice push-up bra may be a better solution for you than a boob job! Curious about breastfeeding and nipple piercing? Read our article about that, too!

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