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Your Worst Nightmare

If you thought that having a rash on your face, hands orsome other body parts is the worst thing that can happen to you, you are wrong.Namely, there are cases when this phenomenon, involving the appearance of redand often itchy skin anomalies, may affect our entire body. There are nospecific regions these kinds of rashes prefer, once it comes to their appearance.Rather, your whole body will be covered with them, and you will be experiencingall the uncomfortable symptoms of these on every inch of your skin. Two of themost common causes of all over body rashes are measles and chickenpox.

Reasons behind All Over Rashes

As mentioned above, some of the main culprits of a rash allover someone’s body are chicken pox. This viral disease involves thedevelopment of redness accompanied with blisters. These cover the entiresurface of one’s body, causing itchiness and extreme discomfort, along withfevers, high temperature, and throat problems. Children are the group most proneto chicken pox.

With children and babies, all over body rash may betriggered by measles as well. This itchy and unpleasant state of affairs,involving redness and small pimple-like spots all over one’s body, is highlycontagious and manifests first appearing in ears, later developing throughout thebody.

The list of causes does not stop there. A rash over yourentire body may be an allergic reaction to certain medications. This usuallytakes place once a person continues using medications he or she is allergic to.In such cases, the allergy escalates, having this rash as a side-effect.

Similarly, some people may be allergic to certain types offood and, therefore, experience development of rashes whenever they consumetheir forbidden allergen. People who are allergic to milk and dairy products,may easily end up with this rash, accompanied with blisters all over theirbody, whenever they consume these allergens.

Finally, a contact with certain chemicals, metals or otherdifferent things may cause eczema to appear all over our body. This too is ascenario more common for children and infants. It manifests through theappearance of itchiness and inflammations over the complete surface of theskin. Additionally, dry parts of dead skin may fall off the body of peopleexperiencing eczema.

There are numerous things which may reduce or completelyremove your all over body rashes. These usually involve moisturizing lotions,special soaps and bath solutions. You doctor may prescribe you adequate medicalcreams or other products speeding up your exposure to these terrible rashes.

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