Leg rash, once it appears on your body, can be quite confusing. Namely, there are many different kinds of rashes which may look similar or almost identical, yet every one being triggered by something else. Speaking of causes, rashes can have causes and their causes can have their own triggers. Therefore, know that these kinds of skin problems are quite complex. So, do not try to treat them on your own but, rather, seek medical assistance as soon as you notice that the rash has been persistent for a longer time, or that it appears under specific conditions repeatedly.
Your doctor will look deeper into the leg rash and find out the exact reason behind it, providing you with the best treatment possible.
Variants of Leg Rash
Getting in contact with someone or something that has previously been infected may cause dermatitis to affect your skin as well. If the skin rash itches and gets thick before finally breaking, the condition is called neurodermatitis.
Once you are allergic to certain items or objects you got in contact with, your skin will react with a rash named eczema. If you have a rash between your legs, there is a great chance that you have been infected with mites, infesting the skin. A ringworm infestation can have the same effect.
Diabetes may trigger rashes of this type. Additionally, it can prevent existing ones from healing, leading to fungal infections. Alternatively, our thyroid gland may be affected by an autoimmune disease called Grave's disease, expressing itself through the rash on your legs. Hypothyroidism can directly cause a type of a rash named Petibial Myxedema.
If your immune system weakens, your skin may develop inflammations called psoriasis. Finally, the elderly and children may suffer from a disorder called erysipelas, streptococcus bacteria causing it.
Treatment of Leg Rash
Once you pay your doctor a visit, he/she may diagnose your rash by simply observing it. However, there are cases where additional information may be necessary. Then, your doctor may ask you to tell him/her how long your rash has bothered you for, or where it appeared for the first time. Additionally, you may need to provide information about rashes being present on some other parts of your body, you being in contact with certain people, your history of rashes etc.
The doctor may also need to know about rashes being present in your family. Moreover, you might be asked about the new clothes you bought recently, your medical history, the medications you are taking currently, your allergies, your job and many other things. Keep in mind that all these questions, even though a bit intrusive, serve the purpose of establishing a proper diagnosis. So, cooperate and have your rash treated successfully.
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