Facts about Itching
Itching and itchiness are usually problems related to a specific skin problem one might be enduring. However, there might be other, different, causes behind this phenomenon. Either way, it manifests through a very uncomfortable urge to scratch certain portions of your skin, due to the irritation and tingling you might feel underneath or on the surface of your skin. This itchiness can take place over a single part of your body. However, sometimes, it can affect your body as a whole, being an even more disturbing problem one might encounter.
What Causes Itching All Over One'sBody?
There are many different causes of this problem. Usually, it takes place due to a person's excessive exposure to stress and anxiety. Another common problem is dry skin, which is likely to trigger itchiness all over the surface of one's body. Sun burns or sun exposure may trigger this condition too. Additionally, allergies, thyroid gland problems, liver or kidney diseases and cancers can all be behind itchiness aswell.
Moreover, rashes, fungal and bacterial infections, insect stings and bites and many more, add on to the list of possible causes of this annoying and itchy problem.
Pregnant women are a group which is likely to experience this itchiness. This can take place due to hormonal imbalances which take place during pregnancy. Also, as the baby grows bigger in the woman's body, her skin stretches, resulting in itchiness. Build up of bile salt in a pregnant woman's liver may lead to extreme itchiness without any visible symptoms. On the other hand, there are situations where a pregnant woman may get very itchy and uncomfortable bumps on the surface of her skin. Logically, allergies, skin conditions and similar problems may escalate during pregnancy, being the potential cause of the itchiness too.
Generally, this phenomenon may strike people overnight. During this time, the itchiness may be caused by liver cirrhosis, psoriasis, dehydration, many different symptoms of menopause, allergies to the mattress or any other materials in bed etc. Also, taking a hot shower before bedtime can easily trigger theitching.
What Can One Do?
First of all, scratching an itch is always bound to result in its escalation. Thus, restrain yourself from scratching and keep your fingernails short. Avoid bathing with hot water and make sure you remove all soap from your body before getting out of the tub. Moisturizers and other soothing cosmetic products are advised to be used. Finally you are to avoid any skin irritants mentioned above and apply ice in order to calm the itchiness down.
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