Life Doubles Stress for Women
Even though we all live hectic lives trying to provide everything for our families and do our best in order to advance in our careers, some of us work more than the others. Namely, most human families are still unable to cast away their patriarchal ways, leaving women with more work than men. Thereby, women work their regular jobs during the day, while still being in charge of the family's nutrition and the well-being of her children. Of course, this is not always the case. However, we will rarely see men changing baby diapers, dusting or doing the laundry in marriages. Rather, a woman is supposed to have all these aspects of a household covered, in combination with her day job. This causes plenty of stress and a constant feeling of need to fulfill tiring obligations. When we are in such a demanding state of affairs, adrenal glands above our kidneys put our body into a stress fighting mode which, if used too often causes constant fatigue and exhaustion. Thus, we should not live under constant stress, since this can have serious negative effects upon our body and mind.
Adrenal Fatigue: Reasons andManifestations
As mentioned above, constant exposure to stress and negative emotions such as fear, worry, sadness, dissatisfaction, despair and other, all can lead to overproduction of adrenaline in our organism causing constant fatigue and some other side-effects. Namely, once experiencing adrenal fatigue our concentration is impaired, we cannot sleep well or sufficiently and our immunity drops as well as our sex drive. Also, our body temperature is lowered, we tend to crave for salty and sweet food and can gain weight. Women may also experience numerous menstrual complications all caused by this tiresome states of mind provoked by the adrenalfatigue.
What Is To Be Done?
First and foremost, you are to remove all that is causing stress in your life. If this is due to some life problems, solve them or make compromises which will cause you to stop being burdened by them. Also, introduce physical activity into your life. This will help you let it all out and channel your frustrations in a constructive way. Alternatively you can relax by listening to the music you like, or practicing breathing exercises as well as meditating.
Secondly, proper diet is crucial. Thus, try not to indulge into cigarettes, coffee, alcohol and especially drugs in order to provide yourself with stress release. Rather, introduce vitamins, minerals, proteins, omega3 acids and healthy fat into your daily nutrition. Eat low-fat meat like fish or chicken, along with vegetables, fruit and all other natural types of food. Avoid processed or fast food. Strong immunity results in strong mind. By eating right you will fight stress better and live healthier. Do not let life take the best of you, but make it suit your needs so as to make you happy and satisfied no matter what.
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