Aging and Women
Women, as well as men, being of human origin, tend to get older and older as their life passes. During this period, numerous bodily changes are bound to strike a woman's body, expressing the well-known aging effects all members of this gender are bound to experience.
Hormonal imbalances take place after the age of 40, while after the age of 25, the muscular and skeletal development of each woman ceases to progress. It is all a downward trajectory from this point forward and women should do their best to slow these aging processes as much as they can, preserving their health. In fact, up to the age of 50, a woman is bound to lose 10% of her total body mass while, through the course of her lifetime, this percentage reaches 40.

There are numerous exercises many women do to make their muscles and bones stronger, defying the cruel course of aging. However, older women consider walking or jogging enough to prevent all the negative effects of aging.
However, this type of exercise is the least beneficial for their bones and muscles. Additionally, the above-mentioned training can make a difference for women younger than 65. After this period, no changes for the better can be made.
- Totally, 121 generally healthy women aged 40 to 75 were investigated cross-sectionally. Healthy aging was operationalized via self-rated health (SRH). To gain a nuanced view of the particularities at the upper end of the illness-wellness continuum, women with excellent SRH and those with good SRH were analyzed as distinct groups.
- Socioeconomic and sociodemographic variables, health behavior, resilience, optimism, and self-worth as well as menopausal symptoms, and levels of steroid hormones and gonadotropins were considered as predictors of SRH. Binary logistic regression analyses using the forward conditional method were performed with the two health status groups as dependent variable.
- Women with a lower body mass index (BMI; OR?=?.59, 95% CI?=?.33–1.03), higher intensive physical activity (OR?=?2.27, 95% CI?=?1.06–4.86), and higher resilience (OR?=?2.37, 95% CI?=?1.34–4.18) were more likely to rate their health as excellent compared to good. No clinically significant differences could be found regarding endocrine levels.
Resist Aging
As it was noted above, a woman should not wait for old age before she starts resisting her aging process. Namely, the right nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, full of constructive exercising can decrease all the ailments of aging significantly.
Unfortunately, many older people do not desire to defy aging and settle for walking aids and similar products which force their muscles and bones to decrease their growth and stimulation. This can cause damage more quickly than using all of your limbs actively can. You need strong muscles to perform all these tasks which get harder with age. Therefore, you should make your muscles strong beforehand.
All in all, aging is inevitable, and so is eventual death. However, it is life that counts, everything else can be neglected since it will come without our efforts. Thus, we need to prolong our life as much as we can, by living healthily, indulging in physical activities, taking good care of our body, eating well, and living positively.
After all, your aging depends on your attitude towards life and your overall philosophy behind it. So, be positive and live life to the fullest, finding tons of happiness in old age as well.
- Photo courtesy of manitou2121 by Wikimedia Commons:
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