Deal with Your Nasal Problems
Since times immemorial, Eastern cultures have paid great attention to their nasal hygiene. Therefore, even the oldest Sanskrit writings speak of nasal irrigation and the necessity of practicing Jala Neti, as it is called.
Basically, nasal irrigation is a combination of saline irrigation and flush therapy. All that needs to be done is to expose your nasal area to warm saline solution and irrigate the airways, disinfecting the area. This can be extremely helpful for people who have been suffering from sinus inflammation, headaches, facial pain, coughing or watery discharges from the nose. Additionally, all forms of nasal congestion can be treated this way. Finally, nasal irrigation is an excellent cure for nosebleeds, cold, obstructions in the nasal area and/or allergies.
The Necessary Equipment for Nasal Irrigation
Unchanged since the ancient times, Neti Pot is the best possible vessel for nasal irrigation. Made of ceramic clay or, nowadays, plastic or metal, these vessels are used for pouring the warm saline solution into the nasal cavity. Alternatively, you may opt for hand squeezed nasal irrigators, ear wash bulbs, power pumps and other means, all of which may be purchased in many health stores.
Another, quite popular, solution is to purchase a pre-made isotonic solution, made specifically for these purposes. However, making a saline solution is not hard at all. All you need is a cup of lukewarm water with half a teaspoon of non-iodized salt mixed in it. Baking soda may be added in minimal amounts.
The Process
Before starting the irrigation, make sure that the solution is not too hot. Body temperature is what you should be aiming for. Note that, for the best effect, you need to repeat the process daily.
As soon as everything is prepared, firstly, you need to pour about 250ml of the solution into each of your nostrils. During this process, you are to stand above the sink, leaning and tilting your head to the side forming an angle of about 45 degrees.
Next, place the spout in the nostril on the upper side, pouring the solution so that it flows out the lower nostril. Naturally, during this procedure, you should be breathing through your mouth. Once done, repeat the same procedure, alternating the sides and the nostrils. Repeat, if necessary, until the airways are clear and clean.
Many people stop here. However, after the first step, you may need to get rid of some bigger problems and obstructions. For these purposes, sniff a bit of the saline water through each nostril, expelling it after you have cleansed the inner parts of your nasal cavity. It is best to do this with the assistance of an experienced person.
Finally, experienced people can take the solution through their mouth and expel it through their nose.
This process is incredibly useful since it improves your breathing, keeps the airways clean, helps you deal with allergies and health problems, revives your senses and even clears you vision through cleaning of the tear ducts.
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