Eyelid Edema
Because of the sensitivity of the eyes, they could be easilyhurt. Just an irritation or infection of the eye could lead to inflammation andseriously affect retina, cornea or the eyelid. Any abnormal condition that affects theeyelids is known as eyelid edema.
This is a common eye problem, caused by the accumulation offluids in the eyelid. The cause of the buildup can be an infection, allergicreaction or eye injury. Sometimes, eyelid edema can be just annoying, but insome cases swelling might lead to vision problems. If your symptoms happen tobe severe, you should seek some urgent medical help. Eyelid swelling must betaken seriously and checked with the doctor, because of the potentialconsequences.
Allergic Reactions
One of the most likely causes of eye swelling is an allergy.Every possible allergen could affect your eyes and cause eyelid edema. Cosmetics,pollen, bug bite, different chemicals, synthetic clothes are the most commonreasons.
If you know what are you allergic at – avoid those substances.When you discover the cause of your allergy, don’t use those products any more.In some cases, people suffer from eyelid edema because of the things in theair. They can’t do anything about the pollen, cotton or dogwood if you live inthe area full of these airborne allergens. You may consult a doctor and takesome prescription drugs, if the swelling is seriously affecting your health. Whentrying to avoid the medications, you might relieve the symptoms just by keepingcold compresses on the eyes.
Eye Infections
Conjunctivitis, grit or bit of sand could infect your eye andmake it swollen. Some eyelid infections can be cleared only by propermedications. Keep that in mind, and remember that untreated eyelid infectionmay cause orbital cellulitis and lead to loss of vision.
Usually, apart from swelling, eye infections cause redness, leaking,itching, and crusting. The treatment depends on a cause of infections anddoctors may prescribe creams, tablets and injections to treat the swelling. Theseproducts might even be combined to achieve better results.
Eye Injuries
We already said that eyes are delicate structure of thebody. Rubbing or injuring them might lead to eyelid edema. If you play somesports or enjoy some activity that might hurt your eyes always wear protectiveglasses. Even sun glasses might be helpful sometimes. As the first help, trycold compresses. It won’t stop the bruises after a bar fight, but swelling willmost certainly be less visible.
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