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Yoga Certification

Getting a yoga certificate may be a difficult thing to do since having acertificate means that you are qualified, and this way yoga loses the meaning if thereare many people holding a yoga certificate. But those who have it are competentand there is not chance that you will get hurt during the training because ofthe poor technique. This can happen in some schools where competence is notthat high and the trainers have shady certificates. This situation may lead toinjury and you will not fulfill your goals you had before coming to school. The whole world is taken over by yoga and it is becoming even more and morepopular. India is the place where yoga took the first pioneering steps and nowit has become an industry with multi-billion dollar revenue. Yoga is verypopular, especially in America, were Americans give 3 billion of dollars everyyear for yoga equipment and classes. You can see that this business is very lucrative and people are trying to getthe slice of cake for themselves. This has resulted in a great offer whennumber of yoga instructors are concerned, which does not necessarily imply quality aswell. This is why people should go only to those schools that are yogacertified, so that they can get the best of this ancient and sacred practice.


Discrimination is high among the official bodies of the yoga certification.There are people who are certified only because they teach a specific yoga types.This can be of help if you are looking for a specific yoga type. You can make someinquiries and see who is certified for the type of yoga you are interested in.In the USA, there is Yoga Alliance, which is dedicated to the general yogapractice and has the appropriate certification. This association can help ifyou are looking for an accredited and local yoga school. Yoga school is basically aschool, so inform yourself about it just like you would for any other school. Checkthe yoga certification of the school and you can get some research done on thecertificate as well, so that you would now what it implies. Be very carefulabout the yoga certifications because they can even be acquired online and theydo not guarantee any qualification and proficiency. Also, some may claim thatthey teach a specific type of yoga which they have created, but this would implythat they are not certified for it. This may cause problems because some mayhave some advantages that can be useful, but since there are so many yogainstructors without a certification, it is hard to make the right choice and seewho can really be beneficial for you.

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