We all know about importance of healthy eating, but it is not just the foods we choose in our daily diet, it is also a balance between various food groups we use for our diet. Also, we hear whole of our life how healthy is to eat vegetables and fruits, and how rich they are in fiber, nutritions, beta carotene and vitamins C and A, and low in calories. But it is very easy to make a mistake and sometime overcook the certain food. So, in order to avoid that, we prepare some tips and fact for you about healthy eating.
Healthy eating facts – supplements
In cases when people wants to enjoy all the benefits of healthy food like whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and they are not able to actually eat them, there is a lot of supplements out there for those food types. Taking a supplement is becoming very popular lately, because supplements are convenient, simple and inexpensive, and excellent way to add more nutrition to your daily diet.
Healthy eating facts – dietary guidelines
As recent studies shows, whole grain food becomes so important, that its daily intake is raised, according to recommendations from American Dietary Guidelines. Whole grain is very important sources of minerals like folate, selenium, iron, zinc, thiamin, niacin, etc. and also the vitamins, too. Because people lead so busy life nowadays, supplements of whole food are becoming ever so popular.
Healthy eating facts – whole grains
As we said before whole grins should always be a large part of your healthy daily diet. Whole grain food contains all of three parts of kernel: the germ, the brain and the endosperm. When you consume refined or processed food like white rice or flour, you only intake the endosperm and leaving the other two removed form your diet. Processed food also strips the kernel of other ingredients like phytochemicals, fiber and minerals. You should avoid refined and preprocessed foods at all cost.
Healthy eating facts – phytochemicals
Phytochemicals are naturally occurring plant chemicals, which are essential to our body’s health. In one serving of vegetables there can be up to 100 different phytochemicals. Depending on are vegetables cocked or raw, there are different types of phytochemicals, so that is why it is so important to balance the ratio between cocked and raw vegetables intake. Some phytochemicals that are heat sensitive may be lost irreversibly during the cocking process.
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