Eye twitching is a phenomenon where the muscles in your eyelid get involuntarily moved. Alternatively muscle spasms can lead to eye twitching as well. There are situations where the twitching takes place repetitively for hours and even days or weeks, making people concerned about their health and the reasons behind this fit. Also, the twitching can result in complete eyelid closure.
People have pondered upon the causes and reasons behind this condition. Many times, superstition got involved into the interpretation of eye twitching. However, fate and luck have nothing to do with this problem.
Common MisconceptionsSince time immemorial, people have connected eye twitching with fortune, the left eye affected being a sign of bad luck while the right one meaning the opposite. There are also gender-related variants, where people believe how the purpose of eye twitches varies between men and women, regarding the side of the twitching eye, being left or right. Yet, unfortunately, magic and the abstract forces have no influence on our eye twitching. Rather, certain medical conditions are known to cause this phenomenon.
Constant Eye Twitching – Causes
Usually, the twitching of the eye, or, medically, blepharospasm, takes place due to insignificant, temporary issues in the area. In these cases, the twitching passes away quickly, on its own. On the other hand, if the twitching remains persistent, there is a high likelihood that something more serious is behind it.
Usually, stress, lack of sleep and overstraining of the eyes are the main culprits, when it comes to continuous twitching. However, overindulgence in alcohol, drugs or cigarettes, as well as caffeine, is known to cause the same effect. Another factor which leads to eye twitching is magnesium deficiency. Alternatively, dry eye syndrome, Tourette's syndrome and some other neurological disorders may be behind this problem as well. Either way, if the twitching remains persistent for several days, have your eyes checked by seeking proper medical attention.
Constant Eye Twitching – Treatment
In most cases, the eye twitching is likely to pass on its own. However, until this happens, you can place a warm compress over the eyelid. Alternatively, you can massage the area gently or wash the surface with water. Sometimes, allergies can be causing the twitching. Then, you can use antihistamine oral medications or eye drops of the same type. If dry eyes are causing this problem, you will need to purchase and use artificial tears for relief.
If treating the causes does not prove to be effective, more complex procedures are necessary. Botox injections usually help, temporarily relaxing the problematic muscles in the eyelid. However, you will need to repeat the procedure, since the effect of Botox fades away eventually. Surgical removal of the nerve is yet another option which might help.
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