Buttermilk contains low amounts of fat, in fact lower than regular milk and it is also an excellent source of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin B12 and riboflavin. Buttermilk can also come in very handy for those who have certain problems with the digestive tract. It contains less fat and calories than regular whole milk.
Buttermilk can also be an excellent substitute for butter and sour cream and it is actually a mixture of both tastes the two creams are known for. Buttermilk is produced during the process of churning. In the older days it was made in the old fashioned way, by the natural process of fermentation.
Modern production of buttermilk involves the cultured bacteria which provide numerous health benefits and rich taste. Buttermilk reduces the heat in the human body very efficiently. It is also very beneficial for numerous digestive ailments. It can be used in recipes for numerous baked goods. Its acidic properties make it an excellent marinade as well.
Health Benefits
Buttermilk can be of great help for those who are trying to lose excessive weight because it has a very low fat content and it also runs very low on calories. Buttermilk is also very helpful for those who have troubles digesting whole milk as its sugar is actually already converted into lactic acid which makes it a whole lot easier to digest.
It is also very rich in probiotics which are very beneficial for the overall quality of digestion. The cultured bacteria contained in the buttermilk are very efficient in protecting the human body from carcinogens and numerous diseases and ailments. Buttermilk is also very beneficial in protecting the body against different types of cardiovascular diseases and it is all because of its low content of fat. Buttermilk is also a remarkable source of calcium that is located in the fat content.
It is also an excellent source of vitamins from the B group which are very beneficial in improving digestion, hormone secretion, hair health, skin health and conversion of food to pure energy. It also provides the body with other important nutrients such as potassium, protein and phosphorus. Buttermilk is very rich in probiotics which are responsible for the absorption of vitamins and they are also very efficient in fighting the bacteria, breaking down sugars in the intestines and improving the overall quality of digestion. Buttermilk is also a great substitute for all those who suffer from lactose intolerance.
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