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Information on Lemon

The tarty flavor of lemon juice is preferred by many. Lemonjuice can also be used for a lot of other purposes. Lemon water and lemon juicecan provide the human body with numerous different types of health benefits.Lemon is a citrus fruit and it is rather inexpensive so that makes it quite popularfor numerous different medicinal and culinary uses.

Lemon is used for thepreparation of lemon cakes, lemon drinks, lemon chicken and lemonade, amongmany other dishes and beverages. It can also be used for garnishing. The tartytaste comes from the citric acid. Lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C,carbohydrates, vitamin B, proteins, riboflavin, magnesium, calcium andphosphorus.

Health Benefits of Lemon

Lemon can be mixed with hot water for the treatment ofnumerous different types of digestion problems such as nausea, gallstones,heartburn, phlegm overproduction, parasites, underproduction of bile,indigestion, hiccups, abdominal bloating, and belching. Lemon has potentantiseptic properties so it is excellent in rejuvenating the skin and slowingthe process of aging.

It is efficient in cooling the skin and fading the scars.It can also be of great help in dental care as it relieves dental pain and gumbleeding. Lemon can also come in very handy when it comes to the treatment ofnumerous different types of problems and ailments related to tonsillitis, sorethroat and several different throat infections.

Lemon has very strongantibacterial properties as well. Lemon can also be helpful for those who wantto lose excess weight, especially when mixed with honey and lukewarm water.Lemon is very rich in potassium which makes it very helpful for those whosuffer from heart problems, depression, high blood pressure, mental stress,nausea and dizziness. Lemon water can be of great help when it comes toprevention and treatment of numerous different types of breathing problems,respiratory problems and asthma.

Lemon can also be characterized by potentdiuretic properties which make it very efficient when it comes to theprevention and treatment of arthritis and rheumatism. It is also verybeneficial in flushing out bacteria and all different types of toxic substancesout of the body.

Lemon can be used as a treatment for those who suffer fromcold, fever and flu. Lemon water is one of the best blood purifiers so it meansthat it can aid the process of treatment of such diseases like malaria andcholera.

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