Acne can be quite persistent and annoying problem that afflicts the both teenagers and adults. They are aesthetic and psychological problems because they encourage insecurity and remoteness. Badly treated or neglected acne can leave permanent scars on the skin. The most common causes of acne are hormonal imbalance or the wrong care. Reducing oil secretion, cleaning and treating acne are the steps that lead to a healthy complexion.
Between the age of 12 and 15 under the influence of hormonal changes begins strongly secretion of sebum from sebaceous glands. Acne occurs when sebaceous glands channel is clogged, and it is unable to expel its content. Purulent acne occurs when the bacteria multiply in that content and create inflammation.
The most serious acne are cysts more extensive than 5 mm in diameter, painful, red and filled with pus, usually created on the back. Cysts leave scars left on the skin because of their deep penetrating and damaging the surrounding connective and supporting tissue.
Three Steps to Clear Skin
For oily and impure skin are the most important adequate face and pore cleansing and regular exfoliation to provide correct secretion of sebaceous glands and prevent the growth of bacteria.Cleaning
People with oily and problematic skin prone to acne often have a need to clean their face. Excessive cleaning or aggressive cleaners can damage the soft natural hydrolipid layer that retains water and protects the skin from external influences. This will cause dehydration and bacteria multiplying and secretion of more fat from oil glands. So, you shouldn’t overdo with cleaning. It is enough to clean face, neck and décolleté in the morning and evening with gel, foam and toner designed for oily skin.The face shouldn’t be rubbed with a towel, but excess water after washing should be slowly patted. Milk for removing makeup should be avoided and toilet soap is strictly forbidden.
Reducing Oil Secretion
Reducing fat secretion from sebaceous glands is time-consuming process, which achieves by proper care and requires great perseverance. Retinol, fruit acids and plants agents have antibacterial and hydrating effects.Clay is an effective ingredient of face masks for oily and problematic skin. It efficiently absorbs grease and does not irritate the face, so clay mask once a week will be extremely useful.
Mild home made peeling once a week will go down well for any skin, but especially for oily and problematic skin. Exfoliates with fruit acids are proven and safe way for deep cleansing of the skin. Peeling speeds up the process of removing the top layers of dead cells and reduces the blockage of sebaceous canals.Antibacterial Effect
Although alcohol has a disinfecting effect and can eliminate the bacteria that cause acne, it irritates the skin and can cause more harm than good. Therefore, products that contain alcohol should be avoided. Benzoyl peroxide is the gold standard in the antibacterial effect on the face, but also natural extracts from fruits or herbs can have great effects.Essential Oils
Expensive creams, lotions, pills and treatments that promise a permanent acne cure can be replaced with essential oils.The best essential oils for overcoming acne include lavender, geranium, sandalwood, jasmine, lemon, patchouli, chamomile, rosewood and eucalyptus.Prescription for Acne
Creating a natural gel for the treatment of acne assumes combining a quarter cup of aloe vera gel with 10-12 drops of geranium oil, ten drops of essential lavender oil and seven drops of lemongrass or tea tree oil. All oil should be thoroughly mixed with the gel and applied on affected area twice a day after cleansing.
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