Most common causes of upper back pain
Pain in the upper back is a very frequent problem today, and it can affect everyone regardless of the age or gender. Those who are particularly prone to this kind of pain are people with poor posture, especially those who work in office and at the computer and children who carry too heavy schoolbags incorrectly. However, besides this, among other most common causes of the upper back pain are improper lifting, various traumas and injuries, and a number of spinal conditions, starting from infections, to kyphosis, scoliosis and osteoporosis. Even though it might sound strange and hard to believe, conditions such as ulcers, acid reflux and some cardiac conditions might also result in the upper back pain. This is why before any treatment, it is of essential importance to determine the real cause of the pain.
Exercises that relieve upper back pain
Thoracic extension needs to be done in a sitting position with the arms clasped behind the head and slowly arching backwards while looking up. The person needs to sit on a chair, not floor or bed, and the exercise should be repeated ten times. Arm slides consist of standing against the wall with elbows and wrists against it. Arms should be slid up slowly, but as high as possible, while the elbows and wrists should be kept against the wall all the time. The number of repetitions is also ten. Thoracic stretch consists of two positions and the first requires from the person to sit down on the floor with feet straight and mid-thighs held with hands while slowly moving the neck towards the belly button. The second position consists of twisting the upper part of the body to the left side, while the right elbow and shoulder are pointed forward. Both of the positions should be held for 15 seconds and repeated for three times.Other exercises that might be helpful are swimming and push ups, which can be done with modifications. Besides the fact that there are exercises that can relieve the upper back pain and prevent its recurrence, these exercises also strengthen the upper back, increase its flexibility, and prevent strains and damage to the muscle tissue by reducing the tension. A trained physical therapist should suggest the most appropriate exercises and at least at the beginning, they should be done under the supervision because it is important to do them properly.
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