Yeast infections, also known as fungal infections, or mycosis, are usually caused by Candida albicans or other species from the Candida family. People usually believe that women are more prone to yeast infections than men are. To a certain extent, this is true since between 20%-50% of healthy women normally carry yeast in the vaginal area. However, yeast is normally found on human skin, especially in moist areas, in all otherwise healthy people. Men are no exception to this rule. Yeast infection can occur anytime when the local immune system defense gets low, and yeast overgrowth occurs. Vaginitis is the most common type of yeast infection, but many others can easily affect men as well.
Male yeast infection
Yeasts, like any other type of fungus, grow and thrive in a warm, moist and dark area. Certain parts of the male body such as guts, groin, anus, feet, mouth and delicate skin folds, are the perfect environment for fungi and yeast overgrowth. Men with the low immune system or those suffering a lot of stress are at a higher risk of developing yeast infection. Other causes include nutrient deficiency, low blood cell count, low stomach acidity, or underlying diseases such as HIV/AIDS or cancer. Male yeast infections do not include only oral infections but also a penile yeast infection which easily spreads from one partner to another. This infection is common in couples who have unprotected sex. Sometimes, the infection occurs as a result of prolonged use of antibiotics, since these medicines destroy all of the bacteria in the body, even the good ones, allowing the overgrowth of yeast. Men with diabetes are also more susceptible to yeast infections.
Symptoms of yeast infection in men
The symptoms of yeast infection depend on the affected part of the body. If the infection develops in the genital area, patients will experience burning and itching at the tip of the penis, the penis may also be too sore to touch, especially after sexual activity. Red and tender spots may appear on the penis, which may appear swollen. The symptoms are accompanied by bad smell and white plaques on the penis tip, particularly under the foreskin.
Another common type of yeast infection in males is the oral thrush, a yeast infection of the mucous membranes of the mouth. Oral thrush appears as thick white or cream-colored layers on mucosal membranes. The inner side of the mouth appears inflamed, often red and even slightly swollen. Adults will usually experience a lot of pain and a burning sensation in the mouth. The plaques are easy to remove, but this is often accompanied with slight pain and bleeding. Cracking at the corners of the mouth and bad breath are also among the most common symptoms.
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