It is very important to be properly hydrated at all times. Oneshould always carry bottled drinking water with herself or himself, be it athome or at the office. Bottled drinking water is very beneficial for theoverall health and the feeling of well being of every person. Most bottleddrinking water products are usually fortified with fluoride. The localcommunity water utilities usually offer fluoridated water too. Fluoride ishighly beneficial because it prevents dental cavities. One should drink fluoridatedwater in order to increase the daily intake of fluoride.
Sufficient Amounts of Fluoride
The Center for Disease Control claims that the fluoridationof community water prevents the tooth decay and that such process is perfectlysafe. There are people who do not drink tap water regularly and there alsolocal communities which do not offer fluoridated water. There are also thosewho prepare the purity and the taste of bottled drinking water when it comes toproper hydration. Well, it is exactly those people who should be very cautiousbecause there are certain manufacturers who claim that they add fluoride totheir bottled drinking water. There are numerous more than 20 companies in theUnited States which produce fluoridated bottled drinking water. They areavailable from most well equipped department stores. One should always discussthe intake of fluoride with a dentist because it may affect the dental careroutine. Sometimes a dentist mayprescribe fluoride supplements as well, if there is a need for that. Properdental care routine should not rely only on proper fluoride intake and itshould also include regular flossing and brushing, regular visits to a dentistand consumption of healthy foods.
Proper Hydration
It is very important to be properly hydrated at all times inorder to stay healthy. One may increase the daily intake of water in many wayswhich do not interrupt the daily routine. Always carrying a bottle of drinkingwater is highly recommended. Having some drinking water around when at work isalso very important. One can always signup for delivery service which may include fluoridated water as well. Watercooler should be kept nearby at all times. Drinking plain water instead ofsoda, especially during a meal is also highly recommended. One’s daily intakeof water also includes juices, soups and various other types of liquids. Addinglemon or lime may enhance the taste of bottled drinking water. Dehydration maylead to difficulty breathing, vomiting, muscle spasm and a significant feelingof thirst.
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