When you start fitness regime, it is extremely important tohave completely functioning body. Only if everything is working perfectly youcan expect to have the best possible result of your exercise routine. Proper hydrationensures that everything in the body function as it should be, so in order to have thebest body and achieve best result it is necessary to be properly hydrated.
Recent studies revealed than almost 50% of all people whoregularly exercise don’t provide optimal hydration for their body. Sufficienthydration enables the body to be highly efficient and exercise at the bestpossible level. Inadequate amount of fluids in the body may significantlyreduce the intensity of the training and also affect the length of thepractice. Because of that, athletes who are not hydrated as they should be can’tperform at their best and the results they achieve are less than satisfying,even though they try and train really hard.
Your health may be exposed to increased risk of manydisorders and disease if there are not enough fluids in your body. Kidneystones or various infections are more likely to happen to someone who is not properlyhydrated, as well as many other diseases, including the cancer.
How Much Fluid Should You Drink?
11 cups of fluids is recommended daily quantity for women leadingsedentary way of life. For men of similar lifestyle, experts advise about 16cups of water every day.
For people exercising and leading more active life this is certainlynot the sufficient amount of fluids and they need more than that quantity. Sedentarylifestyle usually doesn’t cause any major problems, since these people takefluids. The problem is more prominent in athletes, especially in those whotrain very hard in hot environment. People who sweat a lot are also at riskand should take care of their hydration as well.
Make sure to come to the practice well hydrated and maintainproper hydration throughout the training. If you fail, you may end upcompromising your blood volume, thickness of the blood and suffer fromincreased heart rate. All these problems will only make it harder to get rid ofthe excess heat accumulated during the exercise.
Optimal Hydration
Sufficient hydration before the training is a must. Look thecolor of your urine to determine the hydration. Too dark urine indicatesimproper hydration and too white over hydration. Water balanced urine is alwayspale but not dark in color.
Drink small amounts of fluids even if you are not feelingthirsty during and after the training, to avoid dehydration. Replace the amountof fluids you have lost during the practice. The best time to do so is duringthe training or just after you finished with exercising.
Make sure to balance the intensity and length of yourpractice with the amount of fluids you take. Include the weather into the equation,because you will sweat more on a hot day.
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