Tennis elbow is a persistent condition that can be hard to shake off. Treatment and recovery will revolve around rest and the performance of specialized exercises. The injury itself is an injury that occurs as a result of repetitive stress. Symptoms of the injury include pain and swelling on the lateral side of the elbow. This condition is not limited exclusively to sportsmen, and can also affect those involved in areas such as housekeeping, carpentry, gardening and those who work in heavy industry.
Exercises should be focused on returning the injured area to its normal levels of flexibility and strength. It will be important in this regard to boost the blood circulation in the injured area. Exercise intensity should be increased gradually over time.
With all these exercises, the weight resistance should gradually be increased. However, in general, one should start with weights of about 400g. These exercises should help you to regain some joint flexibility in the wrist and elbows. Those involved in sport might wish to consult a physiotherapist in order to avoid straining the injured area further.
Ball squeezing
One such exercise involves squeezing a ball. Get a soft squeeze ball and squeeze it for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise around fifteen times each day. This will help you to build up muscle power. One should also stretch the affected area prior to exercising. Stretching exercises include pronation and supination of the forearm. To do this, rotate the palms of the hands upwards and downwards. Don’t bend the wrist while doing so.
Strengthening the injured area
Strengthening the injured area is a must. With that in mind, try these exercises. Place forearm on the edge of the table. The wrist and palm should be facing downwards. Bend the wrist downwards whilst holding a weight that weighs around 500g. Do this for about two minutes. Next, maintain the same starting position, except with the palm facing upwards. Move the weight downwards again over the edge of the table.
Wrist and palm exercises
You might also try this exercise: place the wrist on a table with thumbs facing upwards. Hold a hammer and raise the wrist until the thumb is vertical. Perform this exercise for around two minutes.
Next, stand up straight. Hold your arms in front of you. Hold a stick that has weights attached to it by a rope. Wind the rope around the stick before once again unrolling the rope. This exercise should be performed with the palms facing both upwards and downwards.
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