Telepathy is usually described as the induction of mental states from one mind to another. The term is coined from two Greek words: tele, meaning “distant” and pathe meaning “affection” or “experience”. People thought about telepathy many ages before this term was coined. Under this name, the phenomenon of reading other’s thoughts is known since 1882, when Fredric W. H. Myers, a founder of the Society for Psychical Research first used it. This scientist was a classic scholar of well reputation, and ever since then science tries to find an answer to the question “is it possible to read other’s thoughts?” Until today, mainstream scientific community doesn’t support the claim that teleportation is possible, since none of the controlled experiments demonstrated nothing more than a pure chance of guessing what’s on others minds. However, scientific enthusiasts and highly intuitive individuals still claim it is possible.
Telepathy and parapsychologyWhile the mainstream science constantly doubts about the true nature of telepathy, this exciting psychic possibility found its place in the field of parapsychology. Parapsychology, by its intrinsic nature, seeks to investigate and explain the existence, causes and conditions of the psychic abilities and other phenomena that are otherwise unexplainable by the modern science. Psychic abilities are defined as abilities to perceive information hidden from the normal senses, through extrasensory perception. According to this, telepathy would be a psychic ability or an unusual type of cognition in which the information is not transferred through any of human five senses, but through Psi. This ability is therefore very similar to precognition and clairvoyance, except that it doesn’t necessarily focus on future events but rather on the current information received from the “sender”.
Types of telepathy
There are different types of telepathy, according to the psychics. First type is deferred telepathy, or latent telepathy, in which the information is received by a psychic with a noticeable time-lag. This means that the psychic isn’t able to read someone’s mind instantly, since it takes some time for information to travel from the sender to the receiver.
Some other types of telepathy are also delayed, but in another sense since the information may travel from past or future state of an individual's mind to another individual. These types are known as retrocognitive and precognitive telepathy.
Emotive telepathy is best described as a transfer of emotions or kinesthetic sensations through a special psychic state of mind, while intuitive telepathy describes what we typically understand as telepathy: reading other’s minds in the present state.
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