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If you have ever experienced a situation where you think of someone and that person calls you or comes to visit you shortly after, you have probably been involved in telepathic messaging. Even though this might sound quite science fiction, it may as well be a part of who we, as humans, are.


Many people tend to believe how telepathy is our sixth sense, or how this is a trait present only in incredibly gifted people, who are extraordinarily intelligent or what not. However, telepathy may be perceived as completely natural as well. Moreover, it can be achieved easily. All you need to do is to follow the instructions below, learning the best possible techniques regarding telepathic communication.

Telepathy and Telepathic Techniques

Basically, once you are practicing telepathy you are creating a mental connection with somebody else without any other means beside your own mind. Bear in mind that this may not work at first. Nevertheless, stay persistent and practice. Soon enough you will be surprised by your newly discovered powers.

The first technique requires you to have a relaxed and concentrated mind, focusing on the process of telepathy. Later, once you learn how to establish connections through this serenity, you will gradually learn not to depend on it and will be capable of doing the same in stressful situations. So, you have to relax and get into a state of trance. Once you have done this, visualize the person on the other side of the “line” and start sending positive thoughts. Imagine the complete process and believe that you are sending real messages which are bound to reach their destination.

Confidence is crucial for the success of the process. Therefore, believing in telepathy is crucial in order to make it possible in the first place. Also, when you have sent your message, stay “online” and wait for the other person's response, which is likely to be physical.

The second telepathic technique involves you working with a partner, you being the sender and the other person being the receiver or vice versa. The receiver should write down the message he/she gets while the sender needs to stay relaxed and focus on sending the message.

This is best done in a quiet room, with the sender picking out one object from the surroundings, visualizing it and transferring it to other person's mind. Once the object has been transferred, end the communication by closing the channel. Give the receiver enough time to transcribe the message. At first, it will not be so accurate, but similarities will be easily noticeable. Later, through mind calibration and practicing, you are bound to improve your telepathic communication.

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