Japanese savor
When it comes tosushi, it can be said without any restraints that this is not considered adelicacy by the Japanese solely, but by the whole world as well. It is preparedwith cooked vinegar rice and additional ingredients such as raw or cooked fish,vegetables, tofu and alike. Of course, just like with any dish today, thisrepresents only the ground, i.e. the basic version, which is also available inmany different, also tasty, varieties. When it comes to the traditional sushi, however, it needs to be pointed out that there are only a couple of differentversions and those are considered to be the core of all other existing kinds.What every sushi has in common are exactly those constituents, namely vinegarrice, vegetables, fish, and dried seaweeds. The original sushi is regarded asquite healthy and exceptionally nutritious, which unfortunately cannot be saidfor the modern varieties that consist of many undesirable fatty ingredients.These, of course, if a person exaggerates, are most likely to turn againsthim/her and the overall health respectively.
Nutrition at a glance
Just as mentionedabove, due to the fact that today there exists quite a number of differentvarieties, not all of them can be regarded as healthy. As far as the traditional sushivarieties are concerned, they are regarded as extremely healthy since theycontain extremely low amounts of calories, and abound in omega-3 fatty acids,as well as numerous vitamins and always desirable dietary fiber. On the otherhand, the more modern varieties do often tend to be comprised of numerous fattyingredients such as fried fish, cream cheese and/or avocado. Therefore, thefollowing conclusion can be deduced – it is exactly those additionalingredients, which are traditional to this dish, that are responsible for theincrease in calories and affect the overall nutritional “agenda” of the dishitself.
In the greatestmajority of cases, the preparation rests on the white, short grain Japanese rice,characterized by its extreme stickiness. This specific variety of rice hasextremely low calorie count and is even comprised of smaller amounts of iron,manganese, magnesium and also phosphorus. Some varieties are also based onbrown rice, which is known to abound in fiber, various minerals, and vitamins, ontop of it all. As for vegetables, most often used are cucumber (rich in vitaminC), scallions (also abound in vitamin C), avocados (rich in vitamins E and K)and sea greens (abound in various nutrients such as trace minerals, enzymesetc.).
To make it all muchsimpler, the best way to find out if a particular variety of sushi iscalorie-rich or calorie-poor is to pay close attention to all the ingredientsused in the preparation process. For example,California sushi roll has 255 calories. On the other hand, spicy salmon sushihas as much as 300 calories.
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