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Dragon fruit is a delicious exotic fruit of a very interesting appearance. In some countries and cultures it is called a “gift of the nature”, both because of its shape and color, and because of its nutritional value and delicate aroma.

About dragon fruit

Dragon fruit may not be widely available in the Europe and United States, but in Asian countries like Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Philippines it is very popular and widely consumed. It is also available in Central and South America. Other names for this fruit are pitaya or pitahaya.

This fruit comes from several cactus species, particularly from Hylocereus genus. Their flower is very interesting too. It is called Moon Flower or Queen of the Night, and only blooms at night, when it emanates a wonderful fragrance.

Dragon fruit comes in three varieties. The most delicious and the most sought one is red with red, soft pulp. The other two varieties come with red skin and white pulp or yellow skin and yellow pulp.

Its shape somewhat resembles a football, and the skin is rough and leafy. The skin is not good for human consumption. The easiest way to enjoy a dragon fruit is to simply cut it in half and scoop the pulp with a spoon, like ice cream. The middle of the fruit is its sweetest part. The small black seeds resemble those of a kiwi and they are edible. Dragon fruit can also be eaten dry.

Nutritional value and health benefits

Dragon fruit is a good source of many important vitamins and minerals, of protein and fiber. It is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C, niacin, riboflavin and carotene. Dragon fruit is low in calories- 100 grams of this fruit has only 60 calories. The same amount contains 0.9 grams of fiber, 0.229 grams of protein, and 0.61 grams of fat.

Dragon fruit is a very good source of vitamin C. This vitamin has amazing antioxidant properties and it protects the cells from damage caused by free radicals. It also improves the immune system and accelerates healing of wounds and injuries.

This fruit also contains several vitamins of the B complex, namely vitamins B1, B2 and B3. These vitamins promote metabolism, regulate cholesterol levels and provide energy. Carotene in dragon fruit promotes good eye health, and polyunsaturated fatty acids in seeds are important for the heart.

Dragon fruit helps remove toxins and purify the body, it lowers the cholesterol and high blood pressure, and diabetics can use it as a substitute for rice. It has a low calorie count, which makes it suitable for people who want to lose weight. Dragon fruit is also an excellent source of dietary fiber so it prevents constipation too.

Dry dragon fruit is a more economic form of this fruit, and it still contains all the important nutrients found in fresh fruit.

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