The following lines are concerned with the amount ofcalories in the spicy tuna roll. This is one very popular dish all over the world and it is made from raw fish. It is involved in a sushi preparation and logically, it is made of tuna. Fish is very good for people who are trying to lose weightand this is due to the fact it has no additives that can hamper the nature oflow amount of calories it has. Due to these properties, tuna is a great choicefor people who are looking for low calorie foods that promote weightreduction. Also, spicy tuna rolls are great and have great taste unlike sushi, which is really tasteless. Tuna is very healthy, but is it still low on calorieswhen prepared in spicy tuna roll, which has a lot of spices and mayonnaise.
Calorie Count
Due to the preparation and the ingredients used for the preparation of spicytuna rolls, the count of calories will be a bit higher than in raw tuna. We allknow how caloric mayonnaise is and it is included in the spicy tuna rolls. You canuse other ingredients instead of mayonnaise, but such meal you will have toprepare at your home. Mayonnaise will be included in the great deal of spicytuna rolls that can be bought in the supermarkets, and they will have higheramount of calories due to this spicy mayonnaise. But which number of caloriesis present in this dish? In just eight pieces of spicy tuna rolls there are 290calories. When this is compared to other meals and when we have in mind thatmost people will satisfy appetite with eight spicy tuna rolls, 290 caloriesper meal are quite reasonable.
Nutritional Facts
There are other good news and they are concerned with the amount of fat inthese 290 calories. In these calories, there are only 11g of fat and less the 1gof saturated fat, which is also great and which will make a lot of people who aretrying to reduce weight happy. In the 290 calories, there are 26g ofcarbohydrates, which is a bit higher, and in them, there are 3.5g of dietary fibers.So those who are avoiding carbs should not consume spicy tuna rolls. There area lot of proteins in spicy tuna roll, more precisely, 24g of proteins. Also, thereare 560mg of sodium in packed spicy tuna rolls, while fresh have 23mg.
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