All children look forward to summer break all year long because it brings loads of fun, sports, adventures, and trips. Besides all that, summer also brings new concerns for their parents.
Every child should follow basic swimming safety tips. Unless becoming an excellent swimmer, each child should be under constant supervision while swimming. No one should stay in the water when it is raining because a lightning strike may occur. Kids should always wear a sunscreen that has an SPF 30 or more because too much exposure to sunlight poses a great risk of skin cancer.
Sunscreen reduces the damage that the sun causes. It is important to stress out that the kids should wear the sunscreen even if it is not sunny because overcast skies can be equally damaging. The neck, eyes, ears and head are very susceptible to sun damage so it is a good day to convince a kid to wear sunglasses and a hat while playing outside.
Older kids need insect repellents, while younger ones can do with longer sleeves and lighter colored clothes. Children need to drink plenty of water throughout the day because they require hydration when they sweat a lot playing in the sun. All children just love riding a bicycle but they should know a few rules first in order to protect themselves properly. Bicycle helmets may really be a good idea.
Summer is known for its numerous allergies, so visiting a physician in order to make a plan for the allergy prevention may be a great idea. Allergies can be alleviated before they really kick in and that could make for a much more pleasant summer for the child. Parents should never leave their children in a closed car during the summer even if it is just for a few minutes.
A car can heat up quickly which sometimes can trigger a heat stroke in infants. Parents should not let their kids play with any type of fireworks because they give off extraordinary amounts of heat. Fireworks can seriously burn or damage in some other way various parts of the human body and they always need to be handled by professionals only. Kids need to know about poisonous ivy and certain other poisonous plants that may be found in the areas they use as their playground. Kids also need to know some simple rules about playground safety in order to avoid getting hurt.
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