What is Success?
We are often jealous of some superstars considered to be beautiful, having giant cars and monstrous villas along with all the other things which usually go in superlatives. However, this can be a very negative and counter-productive way of perceiving things. Namely, happiness is relative and it has nothing to do with the material wealth or our social norms. Just because we are taught to think that money is beauty and power is success, this does not make it so.
Thus, we need to think outside the box, free from false idols our monetary society feeds us with. Success and happiness can be found in many simple and easily obtainable things we usually ignore or neglect, chasing artificial life which has little touch with reality, let alone logic.
In the following lines we'll do our best to teach you how to experience success and happiness through a change of perspective towards life. It is not as hard as it may seem at first, just read on.
Success Revisited
Before even considering success, you need to know what you want. Basically, for every individual different things and achievements would be considered a success. Thus, stop and think about what success means for you. Is it a project you are striving to develop in the future, for monetary, artistic or any other purposes? Is it something simple that will make you happy and satisfied? Regardless, think about it and develop a good plan. In order to be successful you need to know the area of your success and have the right tactics to get to the very goal you desire. Be organized and be determined. You need this in order to be successful.
Next comes the strength and the resilience you need in order to accomplish your goals. So, you need to believe in yourself and never give up. You need to push yourself forward until you reach the success you had started chasing. Also, never think that you are incapable of doing something. We all come with endless power and creativity. We just need to break free from the clutches of the society and be free in our ideas, reaching success no matter what, believing in ourselves endlessly.
Finally, you need to know that your success is not the achieving the success of someone else. Rather, you need to find out what makes you happy and work on that with vigor, incredible amounts of persistence and effort, as well as love and devotion. Your life is not a want-to-be copy of someone else. Rather, you are a wonderful, creative and unique individual. Thus, your success is unique as well. Find it and never give up until you end up living it.
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