Depression in stay-at-home momsSome mothers will enjoy staying a home and caring for their children and feel completely fulfilled by this kind of life. Others, however, might not be cut out for such a lifestyle.
Sometimes, a mother might not be sure if she is just bored or tired with being at home all day or if it is an actual case of depression.
There are certain kinds of women who are simply more cut out for such a life and it may be a dream come true for them to be a fulltime mother, but others will see it as giving up on their dreams and careers, and in this case, there could be an arrival of serious depression.
The problem with most stay-at-home mothers that fall into depression is the fact they will not want to admit it and get treatment, because they feel like they are letting their family down or they do not want to admit that they garner any kind of resentment towards their children and family.
Depression of this kind can make them feel very tired, worthless, and hopeless, which can lead to a great deal of negative thoughts and feelings that could make them just want to give up.
Even before the depression officially sets in, a women that is staying at home to take care of the children is probably already having issues with her self-esteem, independence, autonomy and commitment, therefore, the fact that she is no longer pursuing a career outside of the house may have an even great impact on her.
There are many different ways in which the depression manifests, some people might cry a lot and want to be alone, while others will get angry and be constantly irritable. Other people might have physical traits of depression, which might manifest in problems such as constipation, muscles aches and headaches.
Some common symptoms of depression are feeling sad, losing interest in hobbies, feeling tired, trouble sleeping, loss of appetite, trouble concentrating, feeling restless or lethargic, constant headaches, stomach problems or other aches and pains, and thinking about dying frequently.
RecoveryThe best thing to do on the way to some form of recovery is to set realistic goals and to break down large tasks into smaller responsibilities that are more achievable.
It is also important to interact with people and to participate in various activities that involve others as much as possible. Exercise will also help.
Professional help is another option. There are many therapists that are very familiar with depression in stay-at-home mothers and their advice can be of great help.
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