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Depression is heavily present in modern human society. People, burdened by many different things, experience depression while in all ages and both genders. Therefore, depression may strike one while in his/hers adolescence, being troubled by all the social and peer acceptance issues, marks in school and many other aspects of teenage life. At the same time, grown ups, older people may suffer from depression as well, since they too have their problems which might lead to this unfortunate mental condition. Depression in the long run can have catastrophic effects upon one's health. Therefore, it is very important to notice the problem on time and provide the sufferer with adequate treatment in order to keep this dangerous condition at bay.

Symptoms of Teenage Depression

Some of main signs of depression a teenager or adolescent may show manifest greatly through his/hers social life. Namely, once a child of this age begins getting bad marks and expressing lower concentration and overall performance at school, reduces his/hers interests in friendship and socializing while being sad, introvert and aggressive often, there is a great cause for concern. Additionally, a teenager may suffer from a general lack of interest and will power, being passive and lethargic most of the time, expressing only negative or neutral emotions. Nevertheless, these children are often aggressive upon being criticized or teased, since they suffer from a lack of self-esteem. Finally, they might be prone to sleeping deprivation, insomnia and similar problems, along with authority issues and possible suicidal tendencies.

General Symptoms of Depression

Even though many people do not want to admit that they are depressed, gradual social withdrawal is usually the first sign. They have no desire to socialize or spend time with friends or close people. Therefore, they need to be forced into positive social contact, since, it they continue following this downward path, depression can get harder and harder to be cured.

Next come sleeping disorders. Depressed people are likely to have sleeping issues, since they are burdened by depression, feeling tired during the day. However, they are incapable of falling asleep during the night, for the same reason. Therefore, they are prone to insomnia, waking up during the night, waking up early in the morning and, generally, sleeping less than they should.

Depressed people need support and a helping hand since they often, in the depths of despair, feel helpless and prone to suicide. In this stage, for their sake, they are best off with psychotherapy and professional counseling. Another sign of depression is either overeating or hardly eating at all. Finally, depressed people may suffer from headaches, stomach problems and other, chronic ailments of this type.

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