Fathers commonly use different parenting methods than mothers, shaping the personalities of their children in a more firm and direct way. Of course, we should avoid generalizations since every father uses a unique approach to parenting. Yet, some basic differences, in comparison to motherly upbringing, exist.
Nevertheless, the importance of father's love in a child's life is undeniable. Mistakes that fathers make during the process of child upbringing can leave emotional scars which never fade. On the other hand, absence of the father figure can have a debilitating effect too.
Thus, fathers need to contribute to the development of the child properly, avoiding using inadequate methods of parenting since these can be counter-productive, to say the least.
Development of the Child
As soon as a child is born, he or she needs a father in order to be completely secure, at least on an emotional plan. Naturally, the mother is necessary as well since both parents contribute to the development of the child. Child who grows up alongside the father's full emotional support is bound to explore his/her surroundings with less inhibitions, learn more about the world and manage to acquire adequate interpersonal communication and relationship skills.
According to certain studies, it was discovered that children who receive father's support manage to get through life's problems with more ease, being more popular among other children and peers.
Also, due to the fact that fathers play with their children in a unique way, those individuals who have grown up with regular playing sessions with their male parents manage to deal with conflicts more easily, control their aggression better and are more confident in themselves.
During childhood, these children are more likely to cope better when left alone than other children, being confident that their father or mother will come back and take them back. Fathers play openly and directly with their children while mothers tend to show a more mature type of affection. Moreover, fathers commonly push their children towards achievement while mothers give their best to apply proper nurturing. Together, both of these skills are crucial for a proper development of a child, both on the mental and the physical, as well as the emotional plan.
Additionally, it has been scientificly proven that children who spend quality time with their fathers are less prone to depression during their adulthood and are less likely to display any signs of disruptive behavior, avoiding drug abuse, violent conduct and educational problems.
Thus, good parenting, with the undeniably crucial influence of the father is the key towards the development of a healthy, happy child.
Father's Role in Parenting
“Fathers do not mother”, is probably the best possible definition of parenting from a male perspective. Subsequently, parents should not be considered to be universal. Rather, fathers parent a child in their own unique way and mothers do it in theirs.
Again, if we return to the playing part in the process of fatherly influence on the child. Namely, even though fathers tend to play violently and physically with their children, simulating fights and sports, they usually set fixed rules of fair play, disallowing kicking, hitting, biting, scratching etc. This teaches children to obey the ethical and moral rules of many other parts of their future lives, staying within the humane and playful limits, not jeopardizing anyone. However, parents should balance between this avoidance of risks and encouragement or risky behavior, forming a unique equilibrium which applies the positive effect on the formation of the child's personality.
Furthermore, fathers teach their children about justice, honor, fairness and duty, while mothers concentrate more on sympathy, care and help. Also, while mothers are more likely to be permissive in cases of the child's disobedience, fathers are likely to be verbally clear, strict and short, disallowing any disobedience and misbehavior.
Speaking of the management of discipline, fathers tend to be systematic and objective, teaching the children to act the same, being aware of the difference between right and wrong. Therefore, mothers and fathers, through balancing their influences, make the child's perception of the world complete.
Fathers are also more likely to introduce some cold facts to their children, teaching them that not being nice to others will lead to abandonment and loneliness, giving real-world examples, not hiding the harshness of the consequences. Mothers, of course, tend to wrap things up a little bit, keeping the more controversial details to themselves.
Finally, through their own behavior, fathers teach children how to respect the opposite sex and become good fathers themselves, in cases of male children. Girls who observe such behavior are more likely to find good husbands one day, since they will know which characteristics to focus on. So, healthy and happy families, usually create healthy and happy people who make healthy and happy families and so on.
All in all, fathers are crucial in the lives of their children, from the first moment they are born, throughout the rest of their lives. Fathers teach their children countless things about life and their influence is invaluable, alongside with the influence of the mothers.
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