Troublesome condition
Despite the fact that snoring is regarded as a problematic condition, its peculiar nature does not actually put it completely in the category of the above mentioned conditions, since the person who can feel most uncomfortable is, in most cases, the one who finds him/herself next to the person snoring. Another fact that also contributes to snoring not being a full-fledged problem is that in most cases, the person who is snoring is in the dark when it comes to this unpleasant “habit” and becomes aware only when somebody else makes this discovery public.
The real problem occurs when a person needs to spend more time with the snorer, because a great number of those people is not only unable to fall asleep for quite some time, due to the snoring distractions, but also tends not to sleep during the night at all, which in the long run can have serious consequences. The severity of the problem has made the industry wonder by what means this can be solved, and in the recent years, this has brought about the boom-effect, i.e. more and more anti-snoring products started to emerge. One of such new wave effective anti-snoring products is considered to be the snoring chin strap. According to quite a number of people who have already made use of it, it stands for a fairly good solution to the problem in question. For some, one possible down side could be its unaesthetic look, but since a person is not going to wear it outside the bed, even this can be put to side.
Functioning principle
The product in question is based on the following principle – the strap is there to keep a person’s mouth during the night tight together. Namely, a person needs to fasten the head and the jaw, and the strap will give support properly. This will, in turn, stop the additional air flow, which is responsible for the initiation of snoring. It also aids in making sure that the person’s tongue is properly positioned, thus disabling it from dropping back into the throat, since this is also considered to be one of the culprits for the onset ofsnoring.
Given the fact that, at present, there is quite a number of different varieties of the chin strap, some of them which have proven quite effective are – Respironics Premium Snoring Chin Strap, NPB Style Neoprene CPAP Chin Strap, ResMed Style Chin Strap, Avalon Aire Ruby Chin Strap, SP Medical Puritan Bennett Style CPAP Chin Strap.
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