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A closer look at skin tags

Skin tags are protuberant and pimple-like but painless formations that look a little bit like moles, and they are the manifestation of a skin problem which is medically called acrochordon. Skin tags are non-cancerous grows that are very common, especially among the older population. They usually appear within the spots on the body which are characterized by skin folds — like the armpits or abdominal area in people with more body fat — which is why the most likely provoker of their formation is the friction between two parts of the skin.

That is why this condition is widely spread among the women who just had a baby, among elderly people who have wrinkles, and among obese people. Nevertheless, since no direct cause of this skin problem has medically been identified, it is even assumed that possibly a genetic factor plays a significant role in the development of skin tags.

Skin tags resemble a lot the formations over the skin surface caused by the Human Papilloma Virus and, therefore, they may look terrifying, however, they are completely harmless. Despite that, a lot of the people tend want to have skin tags removed, either because they are the unsightly blemishes, or because they could interfere with daily life as they cause friction and chafe on clothes. Opting not to have diagnosed skin tags removed is the less invasive choice with the lower risk of complications, however, it is always advisable to have skin tags professionally diagnosed since you may not be entirely sure what they are.

How to deal with skin tags when they appear on the groin?

The groin area, filled with skin folds, is a common site for the appearance of skin tags. Skin tags can be very troublesome, especially when they are located in the area between the legs, since the thin and delicate skin of the groin is more susceptible to all kinds of skin irritations that are only exacerbated by the presence of skin tags. Moreover, similarly to skin tags on the genitals, they can get in the way of normal sexual intercourse, because of the increased friction during these activities. Then, skin tags in the groin can even become painful or start bleeding, and at this point, there is a big motive to get rid of them.

Fortunately, as far as the available treatments for this skin problem are concerned, they are very effective. Those are the surgical procedures and the most commonly performed, concerning this matter, is the procedure of literally killing them with the use of cryotherapy — a method that involves freezing them until the skin tags essentially die. This procedure is medically called cryotherapy since the tags are treated with very low temperature. This intervention is still less invasive than traditional surgery that involves cutting the skin tags off, and has a much lower risk of scarring. This one is performed by the use of the specific suture which is wrapped around the root of the hanging formation, and thus, the tag dies naturally, or, can be removed by the scalpel.

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